Saturday, August 22, 2009

無淚的遺憾 - 黃家駒

終於漫長歲月 現己彷彿像流水
我不知道 擁抱你 已是誰
多少夢和往事 又再依稀在回想
我不應再說 只有你 作伴隨

昨天是你 陪伴我傷心與苦惱
是否話過 明日將可給妳彌補
夢想漸近 疲倦了只感到枯燥
但竟是我 忘掉妳不可再填補

多少汗和眼淚 度過歡欣及憔悴
也許只有你 可細說 可傾訴
終於別離以後 在妳消失在人海
卻總想到妳 哭與笑 的一切

還是退避 我總拋不低

This is not a popular song. Long time no listen.
Found it unexpectedly, feeling great still. Brilliant song!! Love it soooo much!!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Sharing of Life

I won’t mind what kind of car I’m driving.
I’d like to know how many people I drove who didn’t have transportation.
I won’t ask what the highest salary is.
I’d ask how I can compromise my character to obtain it.
I won’t bother what job title is.
I’d pay attention to perform the best of my ability.
I won’t care how many friends I have.
I’d rather be suprised how many people to whom I am a friend indeed.